It is taken from Shona Innes's blog: 'Helping kids, teens, grown-ups, psychologists and other helpers' ... -disorder/
Shona's blog looks like it touches upon issues which may affect us all as people and families at some point.How naughty is naughty? Noncompliance, O.D.D., and Conduct Disorder
All children will have times when they disobey the adults who care for them – at home, at school, with relatives, or in the supermarket canned-goods aisle. The effects of a young child’s misbehaviour can range from mild embarrassment to broken goods, minor wounds and damaged friendships. How much naughtiness is normal and when does it become a problem that needs treatment or intervention?
In psychology, there are degrees of naughtiness that are defined somewhat by a child’s age, but more so by the number and types of “naughty” behaviours that they do: