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Photo Gallery

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 12:54 am
by debbie
We've added a 'Gallery' facility with links from our Phonics International homepage launched with photos sent by Mahrukh - our trainer in Pakistan.

[You can see Mahrukh's website and what services she has to offer in Pakistan at .]

Mahrukh has worked hard to enhance her tutoring school to make it into a 'reading centre' for others to come and see the range of resources she uses in her work.

Thank you to Mahrukh and her pupils!

Photos are welcome from anyone who is willing to share their teaching and learning context with us all!

Please remember to obtain permission from 'parents' when sending off photos of young pupils which may be published online.

Let's build up our Photo Gallery to celebrate the teaching and learning of the English written code taking place around the world so that we can truly reflect our international T/L community! :D

Posted: Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:14 am
by Susan
Thank you for providing this facility, Debbie -and well done to Mahrukh for being the first to contribute some pictures.

I love seeing photos of real children using super materials and hope that many more of your trainers will 'share' :)