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Mumsnet review of the Oxford Phonics Spelling Dictionary

Posted: Thu Feb 06, 2014 2:52 pm
by debbie ... dictionary#

Very good to read the Mumsnet review - but this really is an unusual form of phonics dictionary and worth considering (if I say so myself!).

Parents may be aware that nowadays, reading is taught using Synthetic Phonics, but not feel confident they know what this is, or what it entails. Probably no publication gives a clearer insight to this topic than does the Oxford Phonics Spelling Dictionary. Unlike a ‘normal’ dictionary it does not give the meanings of words, nor is it in ‘alphabetical order’.

Instead, words are ordered by their initial SOUND, (not necessarily letter), and are presented in the same sequence as taught in a majority of UK schools. Other additional features make the book a valuable teaching and learning resource: the plurals of Nouns are shown, as are the various tenses of Verbs; Adjectives have their degree indicated.

Some examples from the /s/ pages (normally the first sound taught) will show how this is achieved:

sack sacks
sad sadder, saddest
safe safer, safest
sail sails, sailing, sailed

celebrate celebrates, celebrating


cycle cycles

scene scenes

The book has clear introductory instructions, uses helpful colour coding, and has liberal use of amusing little illustrations, making it easy and enjoyable to use.