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Bruce Dietrick Price: Whatever Happened to Phonics?

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 3:21 pm
by debbie ... onics.html

Read Bruce Dietrick Price's piece in the 'American Thinker', 'Whatever Happened to Phonics? It's another 'must read'.

Articles like this seem to tell an unbelievable story - and that is what the reading scenario is - quite frankly - unbelievable - and this is the case to this very day:

Please remember what I keep saying over and over again: What children receive for their reading instruction should not be left to chance - and yet this is exactly the case regardless of country:

When children don’t learn to read after a year or two, they are sent to interventions, sent for psychiatric counseling, sent to pick up their Ritalin. There are billions of dollars being made off of stunted readers, i.e., children victimized by Whole Word. Lots of people are making lots of money from the cash cow known as K-12 education. (So-called dyslexia, all by itself, has become a cash cow.) Are these pretend-experts now going to start telling the truth? Unlikely.

Don’t trust anything they say. Trust Rudolf Flesch. His books are available on Amazon. Used versions might sell for pennies. Read even a few chapters and you will be free at last.

For a great look back at the reading situation as of 1975, read Samuel Blumenfeld’s wonderful speech at the Reading Reform Foundation that year.

Blumenfeld also chronicled our tragedy in his book “Victims of Dick and Jane” where he said:

"Flesch naively assumed back then that after the educators read his book, they would recognize the error of their ways and return to the sane phonetic method of teaching. What he didn't understand, however, was the political agenda behind what those progressive professors were doing. Their goal was to use education as a means for changing America from an individualist, capitalist, religious society into a socialist, collectivist, humanist society.”

Make no mistake. The Education Establishment, or perhaps we should say the Illiteracy Establishment, has tormented and abused the children of this country for 80 years. These phony experts should not be forgiven.

Read more: ... z3PqZxGyLK

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