How to pronounce "tr" instead of "ch"?

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How to pronounce "tr" instead of "ch"?

Post by debbie »

I received this question by email:
I know that sometimes it's because of different dialects of specific zones so I would you to help me how to correct wrong pronunciation of the sound "tr" as in the word "training"

Some people could not pronounce the sound "tr" but they just pronounce "chaining", funny eh. Everyday I watch TV & I hear it, I feel very disappointed.

Looking forward to your soonest consideration.
This was my suggestion:
Hi there,

You have asked how the pronunciation of ‘tr’ as in the word ‘training’ might be corrected.

One suggestion is for the person to ‘sound out’ the /t/ for the ‘t’ letter followed by sounding out the /r/ for the ‘r’ letter – thus ‘feeling’ the movements of tongue to teeth and tongue in the position of the mouth for the /t/ and for the /r/ one straight after the other.

If ‘tr’ is taught as one unit of sound, this might not be helpful. But t-r- is two units of sound, not one, with the tongue doing different movements within the mouth.

Then, say the /t/ and the /r/ one after the other, quicker and quicker, like a train building up speed. Eventually, this might lead to a clearer pronunciation of the ‘t-r’ in words such as ‘training’.

I hope this helps.
Remember you can hear examples of all the speech sounds alongside the letters and letter groups ('graphemes' or 'spelling alternatives') on the 'Hear the Sounds' webpage: ... ounds.html
Debbie Hepplewhite
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Post by debbie »

I was pleased to receive this further email:
Hi Debbie,

Thank you very much for your quick consideration. I forward your e-mail to Vietnamese Primary Teachers and they are really interested about your support.

We do appreciate your kind help.

Best regards,
Greetings to all teachers in Vietnam!

Unbeknown to folk, I receive questions and responses from people every day.

This keeps me very, very busy as it is an extra job for me to answer them, but it is something that I am very happy to do. :D
Debbie Hepplewhite
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