Suggestions for games to recall word spelling banks

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Suggestions for games to recall word spelling banks

Post by debbie »

Put some of the grapheme flash cards that you have learnt (indicating which phoneme they are code for) into a hat.

Students choose a grapheme and then either:

1) - have a competition to see who can get the most words with that grapheme (phoneme) in;


2) - have to make a word poster to go on the wall.

Kindly sent by Jo working in a secondary school
Debbie Hepplewhite
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Post by debbie »

Anecdote from a secondary school teacher using Phonics International:
You may be amused to hear that a boy in year 7 came up to me and said 'how do you get to be in your spelling group?'!!!

His reading/ spelling are 12 years + so he doesn't need it but apparently 2 of his friends in there had told him it was the best learning they had ever done!
This teacher described that she sets up competitions of various kinds to give a focus for learning spellings.

One competition consists of writing the focus phoneme in the centre of a page with several boxes all around the page with arrows leading to the centre phoneme (for example, /z/).

The students can then use drawing and/or writing to extract information (e.g. word banks) of the various spelling alternatives to write in the boxes around the page.

This creates a set of circumstances where students need to focus on what the PI banks include, extracting that information and re-writing it in their own design which will, in effect, be memorable and aid learning.

It seems that this teacher is being imaginative using the comprehensive content of the PI resources and finding ways that students need to pay attention, focus on core learning, re-write, re-arrange the content and then repeat it in further spelling activities and re-calling spelling word banks.

Well done! It sounds like a useful, innovative idea to help students learn word-specific spellings, spelling alternatives and spelling word banks. :wink:
Debbie Hepplewhite
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