Re-launch Teeny Reading Seeds & Early Years Starter Pack

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Re-launch Teeny Reading Seeds & Early Years Starter Pack

Post by debbie »

You can now find out about the Teeny Reading Seeds programme which provides guidance and resources to help children make links between letters and sounds and models the phonics skills for teenies - and the Early Years Starter Package which has recent additions and is re-launched via the 'Phonics International for Pre-School' website.

We have provided pdf guidance and information booklets with full descriptions of what Teeny Reading Seeds and the Early Years Starter Package include so that purchasers of the licences know exactly what licence-membership provides.

We have also re-designed the webpages to include the same screenshots of resources that are used in the guidance and information booklets. Thus, it should be easier to find your way around the webpages with these additonal visuals to guide the user.

As always, these programmes are 'work in progress' and we shall continue to develop our ideas and add to the range of resources.

Please do send in your feedback and your suggestions as we always take them into consideration and value your input. :D

You can also learn more about the ladies who helped with the main ideas in the Teeny Reading Seeds and Early Years Starter Package programmes.

Rachel Hornsey and Abigail Steel galvanised me into action to produce the resources to support the teaching and learning processes for particularly young beginners. Thank you so much to them for forcing me into design-action and trialling the resources personally over a number of years! :D
Debbie Hepplewhite
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